Caetra Dual-use technologies ecosystem



What we can do

CAETRA Programme will provide your business with a wide range of services, subsidies and networking iniciatives to grow in a very competitive sector such as Defence and Security. Find below some examples on how we can help you.

Support and Advise
for business

R&D support for the development of dual-use technologies projects

Certification assistance for accessing Defence market

Giving assistance to be present at International Trade Fairs

Partners search through our Networks (ENDR, EEN, EURADA, etc.)

Connecting to advanced technology providers

Getting funds from Europe for your international projects

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration among entities


Brokerage events for technological collaboration

Providing international support for placing innovative products

Linking enterprises to military real needs for technology

‘Elevator pitches’ among technology providers and Defence entities


R&D support for the development of dual-use technologies projects

Connecting your business to universities & other training entities

Boosting Defence
Start-ups and new iniciatives

Financial services

Waykup Investors Forum

“Bloque Técnico” Accelerator at San Javier Military Airport.

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